
24th January 2005

PRESENT: Mr Ian Reynolds (Chairman); Mr Steve Smowton (Vice-Chair); Mr Brian Forster; Mr Bill Reader; Mr Mike Russell; Mr Peter Skilbeck; Ms Judy Wanless; Mrs Gina Mannix; Mrs E. Casling (Selby District Councillor)

APOLOGIES:Mr Charles Forbes Adam; Mrs Carole Wainwright; Mr John Reader

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.


PARISH COUNCIL WEBSITE: Mr Smowton reported that since the launch on 1st November, there have been 364 visitors to the website and since 25th December an amazing number of 268 had visited for the first time. People have responded to the Parish Council Questionnaire on line and this had been a very useful addition.

PLAYING FIELD ASSOCIATION: Mr Reynolds had received a letter from Mouchel Parkman agreeing use of the access to the playing field on a five year running licence subject to 12 months notice of termination. The licence remains at £25 per annum.

Mrs Mannix updated the meeting about funding for the EPFA. They had been unsuccessful with the bid to BarclaysBank and the remaining bid with NYCC was looking doubtful. She had heard of £50,000 being returned by Skipwith and North Duffield PFA but Coun. Casling advised that it would probably be issued to other outstanding applicants. EPFA has received quotes from Playdale for playground equipment and was still waiting to hear from a Selby supplier Record who were very keen to have the business. Mrs Mannix reported that competitive tendering is being sought and the decision about the purchasing of equipment will be made by the EPC when all the tenders are received. Coun. Casling enquired if local businesses had been approached but Mrs Mannix felt that sponsorship should now be sought from further afield, as local businesses had been very supportive already. A decision was made to place an advertisement in the Parish magazine asking if anyone would like to make a donation to the EPFA. Disabled access still needs to be resolved. Misuse of the field previously and vandalism was discussed. Mr Reynolds said he had approached the Headmaster of Queen Margaret’s School regarding the lack of fencing to the common boundary and reported that new fencing is being erected.

Mr John Guest of Guest Walker & Co, Solicitors had drafted a new lease for the playing field based on the Village Green lease and had supplied a précis for each Councillor. It was proposed by Mr Forster and seconded by Mr Skilbeck that the chairman and vice-chairman should sign the document on behalf of the EPC. This was unanimously agreed.

VANDALISIM AND ANTI SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR IN THE VILLAGE: A flyer had been placed in the Parish magazine about children causing aggravation and nuisance. This seemed to have highlighted the problem to parents and there was a noticeable decrease in the number of children on the streets at night and in large groups since this publication. The clerk had received two calls from the public, which the chair followed up. Mr Smowton proposed thanking the Estate Office for printing these leaflets and the Parish magazine for distributing them.

POWERGEN’S PROPOSAL FOR WIND FARMS: Powergen/EON have declined to attend an open meeting of the EPC but were prepared to attend a closed meeting.


Two amounts of money had been received for EPFA:
Groundwork £12500.00
Selby District Council – release of commuted sum payment £5148.00.
A separate bank account is to be opened by EPC to ring fence these amounts.

It was agreed to pay:
Room hire - Escrick & Deighton Club £10.00
Mrs V Cumberland - postage £9.28
Telephone charges for Internet £14.28
Society of Local Council Clerks – membership renewal £64.00
Mr R Watson – cleaning of bus shelter £80.00


Mazars have as yet not signed the accounts for 2003/04


2004/1386/FUL – proposed extensions and alterations About Thyme Hollicarrs Close Escrick. EPC had reservations about the design and scale with regard to the site and location - refused by SDC.

8/10/216/PA – Proposed erection of a conservatory to the rear of 25 Carrs Meadow Escrick. No objections by EPC.

8/10/60A/PA – Erection of a first floor extension to the front and a two storey extension to the rear of 5 Skipwith Road Escrick – no objections in principle – note attached re possible changes and conditions - permission granted by SDC.

2004/1468/FUL - fell horse chestnut tree within GO1 of TPO 8/1984 at York House, Dower Park Escrick - Support pruning but not felling. It would appear to be a healthy tree for its age - permission granted by SDC. Parish Council expressed surprise.

8/10/217/PA - Part demolition and construction of two storey side extension at 1 Northlands Close Escrick - no objections – permission granted by SDC

8/10/121A/PA - Erection of a carport to the rear of 18 Carr Lane Escrick - no objections.

2004/1528/FUL - Erection of 50m high temporary wind monitoring mast at Escrick Park Community Power Project, Glade Road, Escrick - no objections.

2004/1597/FUL - Erection of a conservatory to the rear at 7 Carrs Meadow Escrick – no objections.

8/10/40AF/PA - Erection of a single storey extension to restaurant and kitchen area to the side elevation at The Parsonage Country House Hotel, Escrick – no objections.

YORK CITY - 04/0433/FUL - Erection of a two storey pitched roof side extension to provide new mezzanine area and public facilities – York Road Garage Escrick (Deighton Parish) - No objections - EPC supported this as it is an excellent facility for the parish.

8/10/8E/PA - Erection of a single garage at Escrick Village Hall – Mr Forster reported that Mr Layne who backs onto the village hall car park was concerned the garage would block his gate that was directly behind the proposed position of the garage. A representative from the EPC and Village Hall to visit him although EPC felt an objection would be difficult to sustain.

2004/1526/FUL - Erection of two wind turbines with a hub-height of 70m and with 82m rotor diameter, a 70m climate monitoring mast, switchgear building, underground cables and associated access. Location: Escrick Park Community Power Project, Glade Road Escrick – Mr Reynolds declared a possible interest and took no part in the discussions. He stepped down as chair and Mr Smowton, vice-chairman took the meeting.

The meeting was declared an Open meeting

It was reported that an emergency meeting was held on 3rd January and it was decided at this meeting to send in duplicate a Questionnaire to every household in Escrick – A total of 250 have been returned. Mr Smowton produced a coloured graph of the outcome of the answers. The majority were in favour of wind generation but not in this locality. It was reported that John Grogan MP has requested an Environmental Impact Assessment due to this area being close to a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). County Councillor David Ashton, NYCC had written to say that the County Council will be looking into various aspects of this specific application.

EPC have spoken to other Parish Councils affected by these proposals and last week North Duffield had voted not to oppose it. Riccall and Skipwith PCs are opposed.

There is to be a public display by Powergen at Skipwith on 10th February from 12 noon to 8pm. SDC are having a site meeting on Friday 28th January at 2pm and Mr Forster is to attend this on behalf of EPC.

Mr Russell said that there has not been a proper debate, as organisations such as SCRAP only seemed to object. Powergen/EON seemed unwilling to discuss their proposals. The results of EPC’s Questionnaire showed that the majority who had responded were not in favour of the wind turbines being sited at Escrick. He therefore proposed EPC should oppose this application.

Coun. Casling reported that at the SCRAP meeting one person had spoken out in favour of these wind turbines and he had been given a fair hearing. She said there was no need for any wind turbines to be sited here and she reported that in her opinion there was a worrying lack of neutrality in this matter by the Selby Planning Officer who had attended the last EPC meeting and she has made a complaint about him stating that he spoke in a very negative manner about his work colleagues and complained about the remarks he made regarding wind farms at the November 2004 EPC meeting

Mr Forster agreed that the Questionnaire had shown how the public felt about this application and it had proved to be better than a meeting as everyone was given an opportunity to express their opinions and EPC should object to this planning application.

Mrs Mannix opposed these wind turbines, as the numbers of vehicles going on site would be another hazard on an already dangerous part of the A19.

Ms Wanless agreed that as the public had voted against this application on the Questionnaire the EPC had to voice their vote. Mr Skilbeck agreed with Ms Wanless.

Mr B Reader said if it was Government policy then wind turbines in this particular location would have the least visual effect.

A member of the public reminded the meeting about the coalmines coming to this area and they were assured at the time of their application that the shafts would be no higher than 30 metres and these turbines are well above this height. A suggestion was that this application for two turbines could be the first of many more. Coun. Casling stated that future speculation cannot be taken into account at this stage but it was agreed that this site could not sustain anymore turbines. A member of the public congratulated the EPC on the way they had conducted the referendum and involved the entire population of the village with the Questionnaire.

It was proposed by Mr Russell that EPC object to this application and this was seconded by Mr Forster and unanimously agreed.

It was agreed that EPC would support the request by John Grogan for an Environmental Impact Assessment.

Mr Russell thanked Mr Smowton for all the work involved with this Questionnaire and Mr Reynolds was thanked for printing them. The results of this Questionnaire to be placed in the Parish magazine and on the notice board.

The Open Meeting ended. Mr Reynolds resumed the Chair.

LN/00002623 - Street trading consent – Lay-by A19 Northbound Escrick - objections as this is a busy lay-by and traders would attract traffic from the north and create additional traffic hazards. Traders would also pay no business rates. The lay-by was too small and near the school.


John Grogan MP – Antisocial behaviour & community safety in Selby Conference – Mr Reynolds had hoped to attend this and show the article EPC had placed in the Parish magazine and to report on its success. He will be writing to John Grogan with this information.

Tony Mannix – partial collapse of brick garden wall at junction of footpath with Main Street. Mr Reynolds has reported this to the Estate Office and will follow up.

CR Hinson – electronics design – Mr Reynolds and Mr Smowton are dealing with this copyright complaint.

SDC – website – a letter had been received from SDB stating that elsewhere councillors had objected to their details, particularly telephone numbers being shown on the website. All details of EPC councillors are shown on the website and Mr Smowton asked if anyone objected to their details being published to report back to him. It was agreed to write to SDC accordingly.


Mr B Reader asked if EPC would consider a donation towards the cost of printing the Parish Magazine. Mr Russell proposed £50 be given to them and this was seconded by Mr Forster and agreed unanimously. A cheque to be written to Escrick Benefice.

An invitation from the Church Council is to been sent to councillors to attend a service to acknowledge and show appreciation of all the work done by E.P.Councillors. This will be a Sunday in July.

Mr Forster reported that light No 2 Dower Chase is not working.

Mrs Mannix reported a light out in Carrs Meadow.

Mr Forster had enquired when the double yellow lines are going to be painted in Main Street. Mr Reynolds is to write to County Councillor David Ashton asking for his help with a copy of the letter to Mr Watson of the North Yorkshire Highways at Fulford.

The minutes of the Extra-ordinary meeting held on 3rd January 2005 were approved and thanks were given to Mrs Mannix for preparing these in the absence of the clerk. The clerk was requested to distribute these.

Mr Reynolds reported that he had contacted NYCC about the pavement levels at the new bus stop in Main Street after Mrs Wainwright had reported on the dangers. The light in the bus shelter has been disconnected since the pavement work was completed and the concrete floor is now very dusty. Mr Reynolds had contacted NYCC and also reported the blocked gully near the church that Mr B Reader had been concerned about. Mr Reynolds to follow up.

Mr Reynolds had enquired from Abbey Leisure Centre about the requirements for having mobile skatepark in the village. The hard standing requirements needed could only be achieved on the village hall car park and this would be impractical, as car parking was needed constantly.

Mr Reynolds raised the matter of the complaint made by Councillor Casling about Mr Parkinson, the Planning Officer who had attended the November meeting of E.P.C despite not being well. Mr Parkinsons comments regarding wind farms had been correctly minuted and E.P.C thought they showed no bias. Mr Smowton in particular felt that Mr Parkinson had been very even-handed, informative and helpful. It was also confirmed by all councillors present at the meeting that Mr Parkinson had made no derogatory remarks about his department or colleagues. He had confirmed that they had staffing difficulties and that he himself was leaving to join York City Council. It was note that Councillor Casling had not attended the Parish Council meeting. E.P.C unanimously agreed that the Clerk be instructed to write appropriately to the Chief Executive of S.D.C and that a copy be sent to Councillor Casling.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Monday 7th March 2005 in Escrick & Deighton Social Club at 7.30pm