
12th September 2005

PRESENT: Mr Ian Reynolds (Chairman); Mr Steve Smowton (Vice-Chairman); Mr Brian Forster; Mr Mike Russell; Mr Bill Reader; Mrs Gina Mannix; Mrs Carole Wainwright; Ms Judy Wanless; Mrs Liz Casling, North Yorkshire County Councillor and Selby District Councillor

APOLOGIES: Mr Charles Forbes Adam; Mr John Reader; Mr Peter Skilbeck


MATTERS ARISING: The hedge belonging to NEDL round the sub-station on Skipwith Road is still to be cut back. The Clerk is to follow up.

THE COPSES IN CARR LANE: A discussion to clarify the Parish Council's responsibility in taking over these copses took place as it was felt that the Parish Council ought to maintain the ground only and not take on any responsibility for the trees. All agreed. Mr Reynolds to contact Mr Forbes Adam. It was felt an exchange of letters regarding this issue would suffice.

YELLOW LINES ALONG MAIN STREET: A letter has been received from North Yorkshire County Council's Environmental Services showing the proposed 24 hour no waiting restriction in Main Street. On the West side it was to be 105 metres southwards from the A19 County Road, and on the East side southwards for 140 metres (except for 10 metres fronting the Post Office). Coun. Mrs Casling has contacted NYCC as this was not as agreed at the site meeting in July. It had been agreed that on the East side it was to end at the entrance to the Village Hall Car Park. She was concerned that now there was a likelihood of a delay while an agreement was reached as to the exact location/extent of the restricted areas.

ESCRICK PLAYING FIELD ASSOCIATION: Mrs Mannix reported that Escrick Playing Field Association had paid in full their proportion of the account from Lappsett. The Parish Council have paid a further £15,296 to Lappsett, which leaves outstanding £6,176.84 (which is the VAT payable on the bill). The Parish Council have received two letters from Customs & Excise regarding the delay in refunding the VAT. HMCE required further information about the invoice from Lappsett for the work carried out to the Village Playing Field and various other related questions. Mr Reynolds has replied to all their questions and we await refund of the full VAT claimed.

Mrs Mannix reported that equipment had been vandalised in the Playing Field. However Lapsett had accepted that they had installed this equipment in-correctly and so had carried out the repairs free of charge. The damage to the picnic tables has not been repaired. Mrs Mannix had spoken to the child who carried out the vandalism with his parents present. A flyer had gone out with the Parish Magazine this month setting out the Playground rules and conditions. The main points being that the playground is to be closed at dusk; no smoking or alcohol permitted in the field; persons who carry out deliberate damage to equipment will be liable for prosecution. Permanent notices with the full conditions are on order and will be erected.

Mrs Mannix has spoken with Ms T Fawcett who has offered to draw up a tree planting scheme for the Paddock. It appears that grant aid for this may not be forthcoming. Mrs Mannix requested that the A19 is screened off so children cannot get onto the road. Mr Smowton told the meeting that Groundwork had originally planned to place a banking to obscure the road. Mr Reynolds stated that a vehicular access ought to be kept onto the A19.

Mr Reynolds is to contact David Tomlinson to spray the weeds in the field again.

DUCKS ON VILLAGE GREEN: No communication received. There was concern that there was very little water in the pond and the ducks would have no refuge from foxes. The culvert is also dry.


Account 81335235: £981.26
Account 81335243: £19,533.09
Account 01385518: £2282.93

A refund of £88.72 has been received from Allianz & Cornhill for overpaid renewal premium. Groundwork had sent the balance of the grant amounting to £12,500 for the Playing Field equipment.

It was agreed to pay:
Room hire Escrick & Deighton Club - £10.00
Mrs Vicky Cumberland for postage and telephone charges - £30.93
Estate Office for rent of the village green - £10.00
Lappsett have been paid a further £15,296 towards their bill.


8/10/106B/PA: Erection of a conservatory to rear of Beckview 1 Carr Lane Escrick. Permission granted by Selby District Council

Mrs Casling reported that a Preliminary assessment had been taken on traffic volume since the Selby By-pass had been opened in June 2004. There had been no reference to traffic increase on the A19 passing Escrick. She announced that the roundabout south of Riccall was going ahead.

Mr Forster asked Mrs Casling when was the public waste bin going to be replaced in Skipwith Road. Mrs Casling will report back on this.

It was suggested that a litter bin ought to be placed on the A19 between the garage and the village. As this is in the Parish of Deighton, Mr Russell proposed that a letter to Deighton Parish Council be sent.

Mr Bill Reader had attended the Conservation Planning Meeting but discovered that this had been cancelled due to lack of support. The next scheduled meeting had also been cancelled.


Selby District Community Safety Partnership - Mrs Mannix will attend the advanced associate section 17 training programme.


Mr Forster enquired if the Balance Sheet presented at the meeting showed the correct position and was assured that it was.

Mr Russell confirmed the overhanging beech tree branches at the Alms Houses had been trimmed back.

Mr Smowton reported that an overhanging tree in a garden in Wenlock Drive had been trimmed back after he had approached the owner.

Mr Russell reported that there had been a break-in at a house in Skipwith Road during the afternoon of 6th September. The Police had been informed. He also reported that cars were being broken into at night and he had been contacted one morning at 11am by a parishioner who had seen at 2am the previous evening someone walking round cars. Also part of a car radio had been found in a garden in Skipwith Road. He is writing an article in the Parish Magazine about these incidents and suggesting that if anyone sees anyone acting suspiciously to contact the Police immediately.

Mrs Wainwright and Mr Bill Reader have each received telephone calls from what is believed to be a pressure selling burglar alarm firm. Mr Smowton will write an article for the Parish Magazine warning residents of these intrusive phone calls.

Mr Reader said there is still a lot of litter on Main Street up to Skipwith Road. The scaffolding firm who are working on the houses on the Main Street have thrown their rubbish onto the pavement. The Clerk to write to the Environment Officer at Selby District Council to get their contractors to clean this area and the footpath between Main Street and Skipwith Road (The Alley). The Clerk to contact the Estate Office about the Scaffolding mess.

It was reported that a streetlight in Skipwith Road is obscured by trees from the first house in Wenlock Drive. An inspection will be carried out ascertain the position.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Monday 24th October at 7.30pm in Escrick & Deighton Club.