
Notices - Parish Magazine notices from Parish Council

Escrick Parish Council - July update

published on 1st Jul 2019


This notice was last updated on 1st Jul 2019.

The following update appears in July's edition of the Parish Magazine

Escrick Parish Council

A19/Skipwith Road junction scheme: Thank you to everyone who took part in the consultation. By the time this edition of the Parish Magazine arrives through your letterbox we should know the outcome of the consultation, and the Parish Council is expected to decide at July’s meeting whether or not to apply to the Secretary of State for authority to borrow the funds required.  

Additional street lighting: As resolved at March’s meeting, two additional street lights have been installed on Main St to address concerns from residents about the dark spots. However, the Parish Council has received a complaint from some residents of Main St seeking the removal. The complainants believe that the lighting is unnecessary; inconsistent with the area’s Conservation Area status; and that the Council had not adequately consulted residents of the village on the topic. At the time of writing the complaint remains unresolved.

Hedges, bushes and other foliage: It is that time of year again when the greenery of our village is growing rapidly, and we have started to received the annual complaints about foliage obstructing pavements.  Please can residents ensure that foliage outside their property does not obstruct pavements. Can householders located at junctions be particularly mindful of any hedges that might obstruct visibility from the junction.

Former North Selby mine site: At the time of writing the planning authorities (City of York and Selby District) are still considering the application. There has been additional consultation on the highways impact of the proposed development.

Former Stillingfleet Mine site: We have been advised that planning officers will be recommending that the application for a waste sorting site is declined.

Escrick brickworks tip variation: At the time of writing there is no further update on the application to extend the volume of waste to be deposited at the site.

Clay extraction west of business park: A planning application for clay extraction is expected shortly.

Locality funding:
County Cllr Musgrave has a small locality budget to fund community initiatives within his ward. Eligible schemes are typically £500 - £2000 in size and of community benefit. Any local groups that have initiatives that may benefit from funding are encouraged to contact either the Parish Council or Cllr Musgrave directly.

Speeding / traffic noise:
North Yorkshire County Council have established a new scheme whereby Parish Councils can purchase portable ‘vehicle activated speed signs’ (the signs that alert when a vehicle is over the speed limit).  The signs are designed to be used on a part-time basis across a number of different locations.  The Parish Council has resolved to request a site visit from NYCC to evaluate potential locations.

The Parish Council has also been pursuing a number of avenue to encourage motorbikes to take alternative routes avoiding the village, and is to approach NYCC about potential signage on the approach to the village.
Parish Council meeting dates:  1st July, 2nd September, 7th October, 4th November, 2nd December. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome. Contact:  Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:

Escrick Parish Council - June update

published on 31st May 2019 (updated on 22nd Jun 2019)


This notice was last updated on 22nd Jun 2019.

Escrick Parish Council - June update

May’s Parish Council meeting happened after June’s Parish Magazine went to press, so this month’s update is online only.


Eight candidates stood for election in May’s Parish Council election. As there are up to 11 vacancies, all candidates were elected uncontested. 

Cllr Nigel Bartle joins the Parish Council for the first time, and Cllrs Lilian Coulson, Sara Cunningham, Michael Luscombe, Kevin Moran, John Reader, Tudor Rees and Richard Rowson are elected for another term. Cllr Rowson was reappointed as Chair.  There remain three vacancies for any residents interested in joining the Council. Cllr Mervin Casling stood down prior to the election. 

May’s elections also saw the election of Cllr Neil Reader as the new District Councillor for Escrick ward of Selby District Council.

We look forward to working with Neil, and would like to thank Liz Casling for her numerous contributions over the past 20 years as Councillor at County, District and Parish Councils. 


A19/Skipwith Road junction scheme: The Parish Council resolved to go ahead with a public consultation regarding whether the Council should borrow the funds, and increase the precept to cover the associated repayments, to fund pedestrian crossings and traffic lights at the A19/Skipwith Road junction. Residents of the Parish should visit for details and to take part in the consultation.

Street lighting: The Parish Council has received a complaint from some residents of Main St seeking the removal of additional street lighting recently installed on behalf of the Parish Council. The complainants believe that the lighting is unnecessary; inconsistent with the area’s Conservation Area status; and that the Council had not adequately consulted residents of the village on the topic. In the first instance the Council is to obtain further guidance from Selby District Council as the planning authority responsible for the Conservation Area.


Former North Selby mine site: At the time of writing the planning authorities (City of York and Selby District) are still considering the application. There has been additional consultation on the highways impact of the proposed development.

Former Stillingfleet Mine site: We have been advised that planning officers will be recommending that the application for a waste sorting site is declined.

Parish Council meeting dates:  3rd June, 1st July, 2nd September, 7th October, 4th November, 2nd December. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome. 

Contact:  Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),


Parish Magazine update - April 2019

published on 1st Apr 2019


This notice was last updated on 1st Apr 2019.

The following notice appeared in April's Parish Magazine

Escrick Parish Council


A19/Skipwith Road junction scheme: The Parish Council has received details on available loans to fund a combined traffic lights/pedestrian crossing scheme. To fund the scheme over 25 years would result in annual repayments of around £8000. This would require an increase in the Parish Council precept (part of local Council tax) of around £17 per year for a band D household, rising to a maximum of £34 for band H households. The Parish Council is required to run a consultation prior to increasing the precept like this. The Parish Council has been advised that it should not run a consultation during the pre-election ‘purdah period’, therefore it is the intention to start the consultation after May’s local elections. 


The Parish Council has agreed to purchase two additional streetlights to address darks spots.  One for the Main St/A19/Farriers Close junction, and one on Main St between Carr Lane and the Black Bull.



Former North Selby mine site: The Parish Council has submitting a response to the application for a caravan park, supporting the principle of the scheme, but highlighting various aspects of the proposals that need amending. This includes avoiding development within the designated “Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation”; restrictions preventing permanent residence; controls of noise and light during both construction and operation; and various highways considerations.  The full response is on our website.


Neighbourhood Development Plan:

Stage two of the programme is now well underway, and public meetings for the five work streams will be held of the coming months.


Tour de Yorkshire:

The Tour de Yorkshire will come through the village (Skipwith Rd, Carr Lane, A19) on Thursday, 2nd May.  There will be approximately 1 hour road closures to allow the race to pass. At the time of writing timings haven’t been confirmed, but we will publish these on our website as soon as we are notified.


Historic minutes:

The Escrick Heritage project recently requested access to old Parish Council minutes. Given the public interest in the history of the village it was agreed to digitise and publish the entire history of Parish Council minutes from 1894 to the present day on the Parish Council website.


Parish Council meeting dates:   13th May, 3rd June, 1st July. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome. Contact:  Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:  (April’s meeting on 1st April will be replaced by a meeting of the Finance and Admin committee) 

Parish Magazine Update - March 2019

published on 1st Mar 2019


This notice was last updated on 1st Mar 2019.

The following update appeared in March's Parish Magazine:

Escrick Parish Council


A19/Skipwith Road junction scheme: at the time of writing the Parish Council is still investigating loan options for the scheme, and plans a public consultation in due course.

The Council has received quotes for highways consultancy services to look at other issues, and the NDP project will take-on this area of work.

Cllr Musgrave advised that from April Parish Council’s will be able to purchase their own ‘vehicle activated speeding signs’.



Former Stillingfleet mine site: The application for a waste sorting centre has been deferred again until at least April’s committee meeting.

Former North Selby mine site: The application for a caravan/leisure park was submitted in January. The plan proposes approximately 300 static caravans, plus glamping pods and touring pitches. Whilst the Parish Council would have preferred the site to be returned to agriculture, given previous judgements this seems highly unlikely. As such, the proposals are the ‘least bad’ option that we have seen proposed for any of the former mine sites. The Parish Council has made representations suggesting that the park be limited to temporary residences; that the footprint of the proposal be reduced to avoid the ‘Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation’ (SINC) and avoid removal of wooded areas; along with requesting that various details of the application are re-checked by officers.

Former brickworks in-fill site: The site operator has applied for a variation to restoration conditions which would keep the site active for around 8 more years, and raise the level of the restoration to between 4m and 9m above the surrounding area. The Council has submitted objections on various grounds.


Neighbourhood Development Plan:

A public meeting was held on 20th January and got good attendance. The project is now moving into the next phase, focusing work around five themes: Transport & Movement; Housing; Community Facilities; Economic Development and Other. Workstream leads have been identified and workshops expected to be scheduled during March/April.


Tour de Yorkshire:

The Tour de Yorkshire will come through the village (Skipwith Rd, Carr Lane, A19) on Thursday, 2nd May.  Timings are to be confirmed by the organiser in March. There will be approximately 1 hour road closures to allow the race to pass.


Councillors: We are glad to welcome John Reader back to the Parish Council. We still have three vacancies – please contact us via details below if you would like to join the Parish Council.


Parish Council meeting dates:  Monday 4th March, 1st April, 13th May. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome. Contact:  Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:

Parish Magazine update - January 2019

published on 31st Dec 2018


This notice was last updated on 31st Dec 2018.

The following update appeared in January's Parish Magazine:


The Parish Council has now received a design and quotation for the installation of traffic lights at the A19 / Skipwith Road junction. This includes pedestrian crossings across both the A19 and Skipwith Road. NYCC has explored potential grant funding, and the NPIF funding announced in the Budget – but has not been able to find any funding for the scheme. The option of using Selby District Council ‘CIL’ funding has also been explored but the scheme does not meet eligibility criteria.  Simplistically the Parish Council now has a choice of whether to fund the scheme itself through a long-term loan and get on with it; or to continue to look for other sources of funding, but with no certainty as to if/when these will be found. To inform this decision, the Parish Council agreed to get details of possible loan options. If a loan is feasible, it is proposed that this choice be put to a public consultation in 2019.
The Parish Council has asked two highways consultancies to provide proposals for the review of other highways concerns in the Parish. The intention is to provide impartial expert advice on those issues where residents disagree with conclusions reached by the highways authority (NYCC). This includes issues such as speed limits, parking restrictions, speed mitigation measures, and the request for a pedestrian refuge island for business park workers.
The police camera van continues to be deployed regularly in Escrick.  Since the start of the year, 28 deployments on Skipwith Road have caught 274 motorists; 4 deployments to the A19 outside the Sang Thai have caught no speeding motorists, and 3 deployments on the A19 south of Escrick have caught 32 motorists.

Neighbourhood Development Plan

The NDP team will be holding a public meeting at Escrick Village Hall on Sunday 20th January at 3pm to report back on findings from the survey undertaken in the summer, and advise on next steps.  All welcome.


Former Stillingfleet mine site: The application for a waste sorting centre was due to be heard in November, but had to be delayed following objections raised by Samuel Smith’s brewery in support of local residents. The earliest this can go to planning committee is in January. The Parish Council strongly opposes the development, and in conjunction with Stillingfleet PC has supported local residents with their objections.
Clay extraction west of A19:  A public exhibition was held on 17th November, which largely reiterated information already known. The Parish Council used the opportunity to reiterate concerns on the traffic impact from the proposed development.


The Parish Council resolved to keep its precept unaltered for 2019/20. The bulk of expenditure covers insurance, grass cutting, street lighting, governance/administration – with a discretionary provision for two additional street lights, and for the highways consultants noted above. Full details of budget are on our website

Councillor Retirement: 

Our longest serving Councillor, Brian Forster, has stood down after 28 years on the Council.  We’re very grateful for Brian’s diligent contribution over the years, and hope we will still get his contribution as a member of the public.


The Parish Council has four vacancies for Parish Councillors – please contact us via details below if you would like to join the Parish Council.

Parish Council meeting dates: 

Monday 7th Jan, 4th Feb, 4th March, 1st April. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome. Contact:  Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:

Parish Magazine notice - Nov 2018

published on 6th Oct 2018 (updated on 7th Oct 2018)


This notice was last updated on 7th Oct 2018.

The following update has been provided for publication in November's Parish magazine

Escrick Parish Council


At October’s meeting, the Parish Council has agreed two key actions with regard to highways:

  1. The PC has requested that North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) provide costings for a design/feasibility study for traffic lights at the Skipwith Road/A19 junction. If the feasibility study is affordable, the PC will look to include the design / feasibility study within its 2019/20 budget. Once costs for implementation of the scheme are known, the PC will consult with residents as to whether there is local appetite for the PC to fund this – or whether to continue to wait until NYCC or grant funding is available, or indeed pursue different options.
  2. The PC will explore the feasibility of, and potential sources, of grant funding to appoint a highways consultancy to review the variety of other highways concerns in the Parish. This will provide an independent expert opinion on those areas where local residents disagree with the conclusions reached by NYCC.

Other highways matters: 

  • The PC received a request to remove the bus stop markings at the disused bus stop on Main St to ease parking congestion. NYCC have clarified that these ‘bus stop’ markings are advisory only, and cannot be enforced. The cost of removing the markings is prohibitive, but traffic wardens have been briefed accordingly.
  • A request to discuss problems associated with primary school parking has been deferred to November’s meeting, as the requestor was unable to attend October’s meeting.


Former Stillingfleet mine site: At the time of writing there has been no further updates regarding the planning application for a waste sorting centre at the former Stillingfleet Mine site – the earliest this can go to planning committee is in November. The Parish Council strongly opposes the development, and in conjunction with Stillingfleet PC has supported local residents with their objections.

Former North Selby mine site: Several Councillors attended the public exhibition by Harworth’s planning consultants. Key points include: plans are for approx 300 plots, consisting of a mix of touring and static caravans; Harworths are looking for a development partner to either buy the site, or develop on their behalf; the site would contain basic amenities such as office and small shop, but is not a ‘Centre Parcs’ style leisure park; they plan to submit planning application in November, and would expect 3 – 6 months for approval.

Neighbourhood Development Plan:  The NDP team have received over 100 survey responses, and will work through these with the external consultants. The current expectations is that findings will be reported back via a public meeting in December.


The Parish Council received a strongly worded complaint about a recent fireworks display in the village, citing the distress caused to pets and individuals. The Parish Council resolved to establish an early warning service for fireworks displays, on a voluntary basis. Details online at

Vacancies: The Parish Council has two vacancies for Parish Councillors – please contact us via details below if you would like to join the Parish Council.

Parish Council meeting dates:  Monday 5th Nov, 3rd Dec, 7th Jan. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome. Contact:  Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:


Parish Magazine Update - Oct 2018

published on 30th Sep 2018


This notice was last updated on 30th Sep 2018.

The following updated was published in October's Parish Magazine...

Escrick Parish Council

Neighbourhood Watch:  Escrick has not had an active Neighbourhood Watch scheme for several years. North Yorkshire Neighbourhood Watch Association is looking to revitalise its role in the county. If anyone is interested in re-establishing a scheme in Escrick, please contact us (details below) and we will pass on their details.

Autumn clean: Last year we coordinated an ‘Autumn clean’ in the village as a community event for volunteers to sweep up leaves from public areas after leaf-fall.  If anyone is willing to coordinate a similar event this year, please contact us.

Highways: North Yorkshire County Council highways have advised that the requested changes to the speed limit on the approach to the village from Mill Hill into Skipwith Road are unjustified. The Parish Council has received several additional concerns about speed, noise, size and volume of traffic over the summer months – each of which has been passed to North Yorkshire County Council as the highways authority for Escrick.

The Parish Council plans to explore the possibility of appointing a highways consultancy to get an independent expert opinion on the full list of highways concerns regularly raised by residents for this and other locations within the village.  We are also exploring the feasibility of getting an additional vehicle activated speed sign, for use on Skipwith Road.

The police camera van continues to be regularly deployed to its designated site on Skipwith Road, and has now caught 207 speeding motorists from 24 visits since the start of the year.

Planning: At the time of writing the planning application for a waste sorting centre at the former Stillingfleet Mine site had been delayed from September’s planning committee meeting. The Parish Council strongly opposes the development, and in conjunction with Stillingfleet PC has supported local residents with their objections.

The Parish Council plans to respond with objections to a national Government consultation that proposes allow shale gas exploration using ‘permitted development rights’ (i.e. avoiding the need for local planning permission). Removing the requirement for planning permission could see any number of exploratory sites established, regardless of their local impact or suitability of the location.

Maintenance: A new picnic table has been procured and installed at the playground. This was funded using S106 ‘recreational open space’ funding paid from local housing development. The village green association are continuing their programme of maintenance work to the pond and village green benches.

Two new street lights have been installed on Carr Lane as part of the continued programme of addressing the darkest spots in the village.  

After over a year of requests, City of York Council have finally crown-lifted the large tree on the A19 just north of the Skipwith Road junction, improving visibility at the junction and removing the pavement obstruction. 

The Parish Council has received several complaints about overgrown hedges. Where these are obstructing footpaths and overhanging verges the Parish Council has requested the residents to address the concerns, and if necessary can refer the complaints to North Yorkshire highways to take enforcement action under section 154 of the Highways Act. As a guideline trees/hedges should be no lower than 7ft 6 above a footpath, and 17ft above the roadway, and must not obstruct streetlights or road signs. The owner of the tree/hedge is responsible for maintenance.

The Parish Council cannot resolve disputes between neighbours regarding boundary hedges – these should be referred to the District Council.

Vacancies: The Parish Council has two vacancies for Parish Councillors – please contact us via details below if you would like to join the Parish Council.

Parish Council meeting dates:  Monday 1st Oct, 5th Nov, 3rd Dec, 7th Jan. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome. Contact:  Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:

Parish Magazine Update - July 2018

published on 1st Jul 2018


This notice was last updated on 1st Jul 2018.

The following notice appeared in July's Parish Magazine

The Parish Council welcomes Darren Calvert to the Parish Council who was co-opted onto the Council at June’s meeting.  Darren is a long-term resident of Escrick and keen to make a difference for the benefit of Escrick residents, particularly older residents. There are two further vacancies for others interested.

Stillingfleet Mine Waste Sorting Centre planning application - the application was due to be heard at July’s planning committee, but has been put on hold at the request of the applicant. The earliest that the application could now go to committee is in September. 

Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP)
Work is underway on the NDP.  If you would like more information, or would like to discuss becoming a volunteer, please see Cllr Tudor Rees by email at or  on 07718801619 .

Highways safety concerns
The chair met with highways to discuss concerns regarding the A19 outside the business park. Highways officers explained that the accident record for the location does not meet criteria set by NYCC Councillors to justify a safety audit of the site, therefore no further action would be taken. The Parish Council will make a further representation with more specific accident details.  
Speed monitoring data for Skipwith Road (near Wheldrake lane) has been obtained, and County Cllr Musgrave has met with highways officers to understand if a reduced speed limit could be implemented between Mill Hill and the village. Officers are reviewing options.
NYCC highways have agreed to take action regarding the overhanging trees, bushes and ivy outside the Parsonage.
A speed camera van has been deployed twice on the A19 near the telephone exchange in May. No speeding motorists were recorded.
A speed camera van has been deployed on Skipwith Road (near Wenlock Drive) 16 times since the start of the year, and caught 145 speeding motorists (deployments have included weekdays and weekends, and a variety of times of day).
The PC has received various complaints about noisy motorbikes which it has raised with NYP.
The PC will discuss options for procuring a vehicle activated speed sign at September’s meeting.

Parish Council meeting dates:  No meeting in August, future meetings: 3rd Sept, 1st Oct, 5th Nov, 3rd Dec. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome.
Contact:  Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:

Parish Magazine update - June 2018

published on 29th May 2018


This notice was last updated on 29th May 2018.

The following notice appeared in June's Parish Magazine

Escrick Parish Council

The May meeting took place after the magazine went to press, so a summary will appear in next month’s magazine. Meanwhile a brief update on local issues:

Stillingfleet Mine Waste Sorting Centre planning application - The Parish Council (and neighbouring Parish Councils) have been working with a group of residents to oppose this proposed application. Determination has been postponed from May’s Planning and Regulatory Affairs Committee whilst NYCC consider recent representations. We will provide further updates via our website and Facebook if the situation changes.

Neighbourhood Development Plan
As part of the Parish Council’s desire to influence, guide and shape District and County planning for the village and its environs, we are about to start a new project: to create a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for Escrick Parish, which will form part of the statutory planning decision making process once complete. This will review housing, business and commercial development, and the infrastructure needs of the Parish for the next 10 years period.  We are one of five areas within Selby DC starting such a Plan.

Building our Plan will be community driven, and we will be asking for views and opinions through a series of events and questionnaires over the coming year.  To build and deliver our Plan, we need additional volunteers from the Parish to work alongside a small team of Parish Councillors and consultants throughout the process.  As part of the new project Working Group, volunteers will help determine issues to be addressed, gather information, post flyers, help set up events, and communicate to the wider community on progress and outcomes.

We will be holding a public meeting to explain more about the process and discuss how to get involved at 3pm on Sunday 10th June in Escrick Village Hall - all welcome to attend.
We will also post more information and documentation on our NDP webpage 

If you would like more information, or would like to discuss becoming a volunteer, please contact Cllr Tudor Rees by email at or  on 07718801619 .

Parish Council vacancies
We have two vacancies for Parish Councillors at present. If you live in the Parish and would like to help shape the role of the Parish Council please do consider joining. The role takes 2 - 3 hours per month (more if you wish). If you might be interested or would like to learn more, please contact the Chair or any Councillor (contact details below)

Pavements and verges
We continue to get complaints about pavements and verges. In particular, please can residents keep hedgerows/bushes/trees trimmed so that these don’t encroach upon the footpaths. Also, please can residents refrain from parking on pavements and verges.  We have at least two wheelchair users in the village, and even partially blocking the pavement makes their movement around the village difficult (and similar for parents with prams and pushchairs). Parking on verges continue to cause damage to the verges themselves, and we have had a further instance of a water pipe being cracked by a vehicle driving over the verge above it. (The water pipes in parts of Escrick are quite shallow beneath the verges).

Parish Council meeting dates:  Future meetings:  4th June, 2nd July, (No meeting in August). All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome.
Contact:  Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:

Parish Magazine update - May 2018

published on 16th Apr 2018 (updated on 10th May 2018)


This notice was last updated on 10th May 2018.

The following appeared in May's Parish Magazine:

Escrick Parish Council:

A19: The PC has discussed various concerns relating to the A19 with District and County Councillors. Parish Councillors expressed their frustration that there appeared to be a lack of a joined up approach between highways planning and planning permission for new developments.

Speed mitigation measures: It was noted that during the first 10 weeks of 2018, the police camera van caught 51 speeding vehicles on Skipwith Road, The PC is considering other measures within its control, such as vehicle activated speed signs, or ‘village gates’. NYCC are currently consulting on their policy for vehicle activated signs. The PC will decide next steps in September once the NYCC consultation has concluded.

Stillingfleet Mine site redevelopment:  North Yorkshire County Council’s (NYCC) decision on planning permission for a waste sorting facility at the former Stillingfleet Mine site had been deferred until May.

Neighbourhood Plan consultants: The Parish Council has applied for a grant to cover the costs of developing a Neighbourhood Plan.

Litter bin for A19 lay-by: The PC will provide a litter bin in the lay-by north of the business park.

Beacons of Light: The Village Green Association will be organising a beacon lighting on the village green to commemorate 100 years since the end of WWI on the evening of 11th November.

Street lighting: The PC will procure two additional street lights for Carr Lane to address the remaining dark areas on Carr Lane.

Parish Council meeting dates:  Future meetings: Monday 14th May (both the Annual Parish Meeting, and Annual Meeting of the Parish Council), 4th June, 2nd July. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome. 

Contact:  Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:


Showing notices 31 to 40, of 56

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