
7th March 2005

Mr Ian Reynolds (Chairman)
Mr Steve Smowton (Vice-Chair)
Mr Brian Forster
Mr John Reader
Mr Mike Russell
Mr Peter Skilbeck
Ms Judy Wanless
Mrs Gina Mannix
Mrs Carole Wainwright
Mrs E. Casling (Selby District Councillor)

Mr Charles Forbes Adam
Mr Bill Reader

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.


PARISH COUNCIL WEBSITE: Mr Smowton reported that since the launch on 1st January 2005, 630 visits had been recorded to the website and of these 476 were unique with 60 being return visits. This website had been more popular than the SCARP website and Mr Smowton showed the Councillors a graph indicating the visitors from middle from December through to the present day. There has been a marked increase in new visitors after the circulation of the Wind Farm questionnaire.

YELLOW LINES - MAIN STREET: The Chairman had received a letter from CC David Ashton confirming that he was continuing to press the Highways Department. It was also reported that the road required re-surfacing, it may well be that the lines may be placed after that work had been completed.

PAVEMENT LEVELS AT NEW BUS STOPS: Mr Reynolds has spoken to Colin Jackson at the County Highways Department in Selby about the levels and had also written about the missing light in the bus shelter which had seemed to coincide with the construction work on the pavements.

PLAYING FIELD ASSOCIATION: Mrs Amanda Ingledew and Mr John Wilson from the EPFA attended the meeting and provided a comprehensive list of the firms from which they had quotes for the playground equipment. Lappsett had provided the best response and their quote was within the budget. Payment would be required 30 days after all the equipment had been installed and inspected and this could be extended without penalty payments. The proposed footpath would be added from the School boundary at a later date together with a disabled path although costings were still not available. The access from Escrick Park Gardens was anticipated for use by construction traffic with access being restricted between 8.30 am and 5.00 pm. The site cabins would be secured by peripheral fencing and would be locked. This firm had quoted for the removal of the existing equipment but it was suggested that we should find a local firm who would be willing to take on this work and in particular that they might offset the value of the scrap metal against the costs. EPFA had obtained a sample of a "Matta" tile which would be fixed to the ground and was guaranteed for ten years. The safety aspect was considered to be twice as effective as "Wetpour" and was suitable for areas other than the toddler's play area which has to have "Wetpour" finish. The toddler's area will be fenced off with wooden fencing. After ordering the equipment delivery would be 7 weeks later and the work would take some 3 weeks. Amanda Ingledew requested that the start of the work should not be delayed as part of the funding had to be spent by the end of June and ideally she would like to see it completed before the half term in May. Apparently the Area Manager of Lappsett is based in Leeds and can visit the site at short notice. Lappsett will provide an on site manager throughout the entire construction process. A post-installation pack will be given with names and contact details. Lappsett would train free of charge 2 people necessary for the weekly inspection. A sub-committee of the Parish Council comprising the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Mr Skilbeck were authorised to study the scheme and quotations and to deal with the final authority for payment of the Parish Council's contribution. Mr Smowton thanked EPFA for making an excellent presentation. Mr Reynolds reported that the fencing to the common boundary with Queen Margaret's School had been repaired by the School. He also reported that Mr John Guest of Guest Walker & Co, Solicitors had sent the lease for the playing field to the Land Registry and Mr Reynolds that had signed the Stamp Duty Land Tax Return form. There was a possibility that there would be Stamp Duty charges to pay.

It was reported that the moles in the playing field were still a problem and it was proposed to obtain a quotation from the same firm the village school uses to eradicate the moles and also to obtain a quotation for the same problem on the village green. Peter Skilbeck was authorised to obtain a chain and padlock for securing the gate onto the A19. The clerk was to enquire if VAT on the playground equipment could be reclaimed before March 2006 as the VAT which is likely to amount to £3,973.20 would be a drain on the EPC funds if it could not be reclaimed until the year end.

POWERGEN'S PROPOSAL FOR WIND FARMS: This application has been withdrawn because of objections from the Ministry of Defence.


It was agreed to pay:
Room hire - Escrick & Deighton Club: £10.00
Mrs V Cumberland - postage & telephone: £36.69
Mazars - audit: £141.00
Local Council Review: £13.00
CD Forbes Adam - rent for playing field: £10.00
Brooksbank - electrical: £76.00
A separate account had been set up for EPFA playground equipment.

AUDIT: Mazars have signed off the accounts for 2003/04


8/10/40AF/PA: erection of a single storey extension to restaurant and kitchen area to the side elevation at The Parsonage Country House Hotel, Escrick. No objections - SDC permission granted.

YORK CITY - 04/0433/FUL: The Parish Council had been consulted about the erection of a two storey pitched roof side extension to provide a new mezzanine area and public facilities at York Road Garage Escrick - EPC had no objection but YCC had rejected as 'inappropriate' and harmful to the open character of the green belt. Mr Forster reported that the Proprietor of the Garage had asked for the support of the Parish Council in respect of a future application or a potential appeal. The EPC agreed as it was a very useful amenity for the residents of Escrick.

8/10/8E/PA: erection of a single garage at Escrick Village Hall. No objections by EPC.

2004/1528/FUL: erection of 50m high temporary wind monitoring mast at Escrick Park Community Power Project, Glade Road, Escrick. No objections subject to any planning conditions. SDC permission granted.

8/10/121A/PA: erection of a carport to the rear of 18 Carr Lane Escrick. SDC permission granted.

2004/1526/FUL: erection of two wind turbines with a hub-height of 70m and with 82m rotor diameter, a 70m climate monitoring mast, switchgear building, underground cables and associated access. Location: Escrick Park Community Power Project, Glade Road Escrick EPC objection as survey of parishioners showed majority opposed to this - application withdrawn as a result of objections by the Ministry of Defence as site would interfere with operations from RAF Church Fenton and RAF Linton on Ouse.

8/10/132/PA: consent to 'lop' Willow tree T12 TPO No 1/1993 Farthings 6 Carr Lane Escrick. No objections by EPC.

LN/00002623: Street trading consent - Lay-by A19 Northbound Escrick EPC objection as not suitable site for sales.

8/10/65Q/PA: Application for works to Oak Trees T1 and T2 within TPO No 5/1984 - 11 Dower Park Escrick. No objections by EPC.

8/10/24CA/PA: Proposed single storey extension to school music rooms to form new entrance foyer at Queen Margaret's School, Escrick - no objections by EPC but it was noted that this was a listed building.

8/10/40H/PA: Proposed erection of a two storey extension to the rear comprising conference room to ground floor and bedrooms to first floor at the Coach House, Parsonage Country House Hotel, Escrick - EPC considered that there is no reason to oppose this application but as it is considered that the access into the Parsonage Hotel is at a dangerous junction these concerns would be voiced in the reply.

Councillor Mrs Casling said she would like copies of the of the planning objections for her own information.

Report from Mrs Casling

The RSL Board and SDC are looking into the feasibility of passing over the responsibility of council housing to a Housing Association as this may be beneficial to the tenants.

A business survey is being undertaken on the Abbey Leisure Centre as it is costing £½million per annum and ways to make it more cost efficient are being sought.

The Safety Group is applying for extra funding from NYCC.

Mrs Casling reported that she was standing as a candidate in the forthcoming County Council Elections as representative for the Escrick Division.


Ouse & Derwent Internal Drainage Board requested permission to place a notice for the village on the EPC board and this was agreed.

Mr Dean's estimate for grass cutting in the village was accepted on a proposal by Mrs Wainwright seconded by Mr Forster. This was unanimously agreed. The Clerk is to request a copy of Mr Dean's Certificate of Insurance.

A letter had been received from Mr Connor the Chief Executive of Selby District Council regarding the previous attendance at a Parish Council meeting of a member of the Planning Department. The Chairman pointed out that there was a collective responsibility on decisions taken at Parish Council level and that anybody was at liberty to request that a dissenting view be noted in the minutes. There had been no such request and therefore Parish Councillors should not pass on their own views. The Chairman added that the minutes of EPC are correctly reported and checked.


The partial collapse of brick garden wall reported to the Estate Office twice.

Mr Skilbeck reported that work on the sewerage pump in Carr Lane has started. He is also concerned that the Community Police Officer now has a target to achieve of 2 criminal prosecutions per month, and this will result in him giving less time to help/talk in the parish.

Mr John Reader reported that recently his car was broken into and all his house keys were taken. He was surprised at the attitude of the Police Officer who visited him who had stated that Parish Councils were alarmist and worried residents unduly about their homes being broken into. Mr Russell agreed to take this up formally with the Police.

Mrs Wainwright asked if the new stickers from Crime Prevention Office had been received. Mr Russell to follow this up with CC David Ashton.

Mr Forster again enquired if the tracks to Temple Walk were to be maintained as he believed that they had been DEFRA funded. Mr Reynolds agreed to raise this with Mr Forbes Adam. It was also agreed to examine whether the footpath on Skipwith Road could be extended up to the kissing gate into Gashouse Wood.

The clerk had received a note from an Escrick resident complaining about fox hounds that had strayed from the hunt on 26 February. It was agreed that there is nothing that the Parish Council could do but Mr Peter Skilbeck agreed to raise this incident with them when the hunt next seeks permission from him to travel over farmland.

It was agreed that the Parish Council should offer condolences to Mr Charles Forbes Adam on the recent death of his Mother.

DATE OF AGM: Monday 9th May 2005 in Escrick & Deighton Social Club at 7.30pm