
20th June 2005

PRESENT: Mr Ian Reynolds (Chairman); Mr Steve Smowton (Vice-Chair); Mr Brian Forster; Mr Mike Russell ;Ms Judy Wanless; Mrs Gina Mannix; Mr Charles Forbes Adam; Mr Bill Reader

APOLOGIES: Mr John Reader; Mrs Carole Wainwright; Mr Peter Skilbeck; Mrs E. Casling (Selby District & North Yorkshire County Councillor).

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved



Nothing further has been heard on this matter.


Mrs Gina Mannix reported that Lapsett had agreed that their invoices need not be paid until the Parish Council had received all the monies due from Living Spaces and the commuted sums due from Selby District Council. It was agreed that Mr Reynolds would write to the Council about the outstanding amount of £10,296. There is still some snagging work to be completed by Lapsett and Mrs Mannix confirmed that we would not release money to Lapsett until they were completely satisfied. The grass has started to grow through the 'Matta' and if this area was not to the Association's satisfaction in six months, Lapsett would replace it. The Independent Safety Inspector inspected and passed the site but expressed a view that the goalposts were too close to the play equipment. Mr Forster requested that the safety panels should be removed from the field as he considered them a hazard. Mrs Mannix confirmed that these would be removed shortly and that the tarmacadamed footpath within the site was to be constructed week commencing 27 June. The field would be closed for this brief period. Mr Forster also remarked that the litter bins were full and clearly it would require regular emptying now that the playing field was being used more. Mrs Mannix confirmed that she would contact either SDC or Onyx to make sure that they were emptied in future. The present bin closest to the Escrick Park Gardens entrance is to be moved nearer to the access footpath. Mr Reynolds reported that David Tomlinson had sprayed the docks and nettles in the paddock area and as a gesture to the Parish Council only required reimbursing the cost of the spray, which was £28.00.


The bank balances are:
A/c 81335235 £1755.18
A/c 81335243 £7,004.20
A/c 01385518 £17,667.92

It was agreed to pay

Room hire Escrick & Deighton Club £20.00
Mrs V Cumberland postage £12.49
Mrs V Cumberland telephone £23.75
Mr David Tomlinson for reimbursement for cost of spray £28.00

Alliance & Cornhill have requested an additional premium for the new play ground equipment of £553.13. Mr Smowton is to check the insurance file and the matters covered and if necessary make enquiries from Alliance & Cornhill as this amount seems much higher than their original estimated.


8/10/48B/PA - Proposed erection of a second floor extension to form a larger bedroom 9 Woodlands Escrick. No objections - Permission granted by SDC

8/10/63J/PA - Consent for works to copper beech tree (T1) within TPO No 16/1987 Beech House 49 Main Street Escrick No objections - Permission granted by SDC

8/10/220/PA - Proposed erection of a single storey extension to the rear and alterations to the roof of existing garage to create self contained living accommodation Chalfont 25 Main Street Escrick No objections - Permission granted by SDC

8/10/3T/PA - Outline application for the erection of B1, B2 and B8 Units including means of access on land at Brickworks Riccall Road Escrick - The Parish Council is not opposed to redevelopment of the site for employment use although we believe that the sustainability argument advanced by the applicants is weak. It is further considered that the proposal should be considered in the light of other employment allocated sites within the District in particular Selby Business Park, the former Middlebrook Mushroom Farm at Gateforth/Thorpe Willoughby and the potential of the redevelopment of the BOCM factory at Barlby. All of these sites are readily accessible now to the A19 and south of York by virtue of the completion of the Selby Bypass. It is believed that there will be a superfluity of employment land/buildings. It is further considered that the redevelopment proposal should be limited to the footprint of the actual buildings on the site and should not include land that was purely used for the open air storage of the products of the brickworks ie tiles and bricks. If the total site development was permitted it is considered that a major road improvement would be necessary ie a roundabout rather than a simple right turn lane. The frontage land of the site should be used for enhanced landscaping/wild life habit.

8/09/117/PA - Application for the retention and re-use of suitable buildings, car parking and landscaping and infrastructure at former Stillingfleet Mine Cawood Road Stillingfleet - Escrick Parish Council totally oppose the release of the above mentioned site for employment use. When planning permission was originally granted there was a specific requirement that the land should revert to agriculture/forestry on the cessation of mining activities. The local population was originally persuaded to accept coal mining in the National Interest on the basis that there would be no transportation of coal by road, no unsightly spoil heaps and thirdly that the land would revert as detailed above. The first two conditions have already been ignored and the District Council is strongly urged to insist upon the reversion of this site to agriculture/forestry.

There is no proven demand for employment use of the site buildings and this ought to be viewed in the light of existing allocations and proposals for employment use in the District and in particular in the immediate area. The evidence given regarding the use of White Moor Mine buildings for employment use does not support the release of this site. There is still a great deal of space available at White Moor and other sites in the locality remain unlet or undeveloped

8/15/354/PA - Application for the retention and re-use of buildings, landscaping and infrastructure at former Riccall Mine, Selby Road Riccall - Escrick Parish Council totally oppose the release of the above mentioned site for employment use. When planning permission was originally granted there was a specific requirement that the land should revert to agriculture/forestry on the cessation of mining activities. The local population was originally persuaded to accept coal mining in the National Interest on the basis that there would be no transportation of coal by road, no unsightly spoil heaps and thirdly that the land would revert as detailed above. The first two conditions have already been ignored and the District Council is strongly urged to insist upon the reversion of this site to agriculture/forestry.

There is no proven demand for employment use of the site buildings and this ought to be viewed in the light of existing allocations and proposals for employment use in the District and in particular in the immediate area. The evidence given regarding the use of White Moor Mine buildings for employment use does not support the release of this site. There is still a great deal of space available at White Moor and other sites in the locality remain unlet or undeveloped

8/10/221/PA - Erection of a summer room to the rear of Hawthorn Cottage Hollicarrs Escrick - no objection by EPC.

8/10/24CC/PA - Redesign & extension to tennis courts Queen Margaret's School, Escrick. The Chairman declared an interest. It was decided that the proposal was probably acceptable despite it extending the tennis courts into the park.

8/10/222/PA - Erection of 2 detached dwellings with garages to include siting and means of access on land to the rear of Escrick C of E Primary School, Escrick

8/10/222A/PA - Conservation area consent to convert Escrick C of E School into 3 No dwellings with garages and associated parking at Escrick C of E Primary School, Escrick

8/10/222B/PA - Convert Escrick C of E Primary School into 3 new dwellings with 2 new garages and associated parking at Escrick C of E primary School, Escrick

The Chairman, Mr Smowton and Mr Forbes Adam declared an interest in the above applications. A general discussion followed. Most Councillors felt that the proposed conversion scheme of the village school attractive and tasteful and that the two dwellings proposed for the orchard area should propose no problems. The access to the development and the two new plots discussed and the reason for the proposal was explained, ie. that the gravelled strip in front of the existing orchard wall is owned by a third party. Mr Forster and Mr Russell are to consult the adjoining property owners.

8/10/223/PA - Erection of 1st floor side extension and a ground floor extension to the rear of 2 Woodlands Escrick - no planning reason to object


A letter had been received from Selby District Community Safety Partnership. This was regarding the provision of additional street lighting and pointing out that there was a fund available. The closing date for applications from Parishes is 31 August. The Chairman asked all Parish Councillors to report back on this matter at the next meeting. It was pointed out that EPC wished in any event to provide an additional street light at some stage on Skipwith Road in the proximity of Derwent Court.


The accounts for year ended 31st March were produced and Mr Forster proposed these were signed as a true record and this was seconded by Mr Bill Reader.

Mr Bill Reader had reported to the Clerk previously that the grass and hedge around the Electricity sub-station site on Skipwith Road required cutting and this had been carried out. He pointed out that the fence around the sub-station was broken and the Clerk was instructed to inform NEDL.

Mr Bill Reader also reported that it had been drawn to his attention that village paths had weeds growing in the cracks and branches overhanging from trees and also litter in the streets. This was agreed to draw this generally to the attention of residents who were responsible for overhanging trees and weeds to highlight this through the Parish Magazine. If necessary Selby District Council and Onyx would be contacted to keep the public areas tidy.

Mr Smowton announced that Mrs Brooks has been appointed as the new Head Teacher at the C of E Primary School. The Deputy Head was also leaving and would not be replaced in the short term. It was likely that rather than a Deputy Head there would be two Senior Teachers appointed which was a cost saving exercise.

Mr Forster reported that the ducks on the village green were becoming a traffic hazard and he noted that one had been killed. EPC were to take advise as to whether the Parish had any liability for the ducks should they cause an accident albeit that they had been placed on the village green by a third party and not by EPC. It was also agreed to investigate the placing of warning signs on Carr Lane.

Mr Forster reported that garden rubbish had been placed in the Copse at the corner of Main Street and Carr Lane. Mr Forbes Adam asked if the Parish Council were interested in taking over that area and the other small copse adjoining the Coronation Memorial It was agreed to look into this suggestion.

The Clerk's salary is due for review and the clerk to get the information for the next meeting.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Monday 25th July 2005 in the Escrick and Deighton Club - 7.30pm