
16th January 2006

PRESENT: Mr Ian Reynolds (Chairman); Mr Steve Smowton; Mr Charles Forbes Adam; Mr Brian Forster; Mr Mike Russell; Mr Peter Skilbeck; Mrs Gina Mannix; Mrs Carole Wainwright; Ms Judy Wanless; Mrs Liz Casling North Yorkshire County Councillor and Selby District Councillor

APOLOGIES: Mr Bill Reader; Mr John Reader

MINUTES OF LAST MEETING WERE READ AND APPROVED after the following amendments were made:
Page 1 - Mr Peter Skilbeck was at the meeting
Page 2 - Escrick Playing Field Association - third paragraph - omit "which is organised by Selby District Council"
Page 3 - third paragraph - alter Mrs to read Mr


Mr Reynolds will contact Mr John Reader about his non-attendance at the Parish Council Meetings since last April.

The hedge and fence round the sub-station at Skipwith Road have been attended to by NEDL. It is considered that they have made an excellent job. The clerk is to write congratulating them.

A letter to be written to Selby District Planning Department regarding the planning application in respect of Chalfonts, 25 Main Street, where there seems to have been a misunderstanding.

Yellow lines in Main Street - a letter has been received from NYCC - Prohibition of Waiting, Main Street Escrick Order 2005. Mrs Casling to enquire from Mr Brian Watson at NYCC the exact commencement of work date.

Escrick Playing Field Association - Mrs Mannix reported that the Association had been unable to hold a meeting since the previous Parish Council meeting. Their next meeting would be held in February and thereafter every two months instead of monthly.

She had made enquiries about a safety check course and the price will be in the region of £200 (+ VAT) plus an examination fee of £60 (+ VAT). The course would be of one day duration with an RP11 qualification award which would include a three year membership of ROSPA. There is no requirement from the Insurers for this qualification. Mr Smowton proposed that Mrs Mannix should attend this course as he felt it was essential that the person responsible for checking the equipment had been suitably briefed. All unanimously agreed.

Mrs Mannix had instructed Brian Alderton to clear the moles and his charge of £80 is to be paid when the moles had been eradicated. It is noted that the school also had a mole problem and Mr Smowton will discuss this with the authorities. It was unanimously agreed to pay Mr Alderton's charges.

Light in Bus Shelter - It was noted that this was not working and the clerk was to contact Mr Brooksbank for it to be repaired. NB Mr Brooksbank advised that the timer was broken and needed replacing. He was instructed to do so.

Bus shelter re-painting - Mr Ron Watson is unable to carry this out. Mrs Casling is to enquire whether Selby District Council have anti-graffiti paint available. It was suggested that signs should be produced warning that vandalism to the bus shelter would result in a prosecution.

The accounts are in credit:
A/c 81335235: £8487.78
A/c 81335243: £1593.49
A/c 01385518: £34.50
Received VAT refund: £187.62

It was agreed to pay:
Room hire Escrick & Deighton Club: £10.00
Npower (No bill has been received from Npower for quite some considerable time. They had alleged that they had sent accounts, but none had been received.): £1092.38
Mole Control - village green: £55.00
Estate Office - rent for playing field: £10.00
Mrs V Cumberland - telephone: £14.58
Mr Steve Smowton - GetDotted.com (website) (Reimbursement of registration costs of website): £69.31
Mr Ron Watson - cleaning the bus shelter: £80.00


8/10/220A/PA - Erection of a conservatory rear of Chalfonts 25 Main Street Escrick.Permission granted by SDC - see under Matters Arising.

8/10/44B/PA - Conservatory to side of 32 Wenlock Drive Escrick. No objections; permission granted by SDC.

8/10/3U/PA - Re-cladding of an existing manufacturing and warehouse unit, Brickworks, Riccall Road, Escrick - No objections in principle and it was felt that this proposal accorded with what the Parish Council had said in respect of the previous application. NB Selby District Council appear to have granted permission in respect of both applications. Mr Forster to investigate further.

8/10/35B/PA - Single storey conservatory and single storey dining room extension on the west elevation and a two storey extension to east elevation at Byways, 34 Main Street, Escrick - no objections - permission granted by SDC

Councillor Mrs Casling's report: She will enquire as to why the litter bin in Main Street had still not been installed and she would take up the question of litter on the footpaths with Selby District Council and Onyx. NB Mrs Casling later reported that an Officer from Selby District Council had agreed that the sweeping and cleaning of footpaths was inadequate and action would be taken. It was noted that Onyx road sweepers visited the village in tandem shortly afterwards.

Planning Permissions in respect of the C of E School had been granted subject to completion of a Section 106 Agreement. This Agreement is in respect of a commuted sum (believed to be £1,000 per unit) in respect of the provision of offsite public open spaces. This will become payable when the developers start work and subject to there being a suitable scheme in respect of the existing public open spaces. The Chairman thanked Mrs Casling for her considerable work in persuading the Planning Officers concerned to deal with the application.

She also advised that the proposed Council Tax Payments to be levied by Selby District Council for 2006/7 are below the national rate of inflation. North Yorkshire County Council have completed their budget and the increase will be approximately 4.7%. Unfortunately the Internal Drainage Board raised their precept by 10%.


Mrs Mannix reported that a larch screen fence had been erected adjoining the former Estate Office, but this was unsightly. Mr Forbes Adam advised that this was apparently for the safety of the girls at Queen Margaret's School and an emergency exit for the girls was positioned in this fence. It was considered in any event that there was nothing that the Parish Council could do about the matter.

She also advised that there had been an incident on the village green the previous Friday evening and the police had been called when youngsters were noted chasing the ducks and trying to injure them. It was also believed that the lining to the pond had been damaged which would cause the water level to drop. It was agreed that Mrs Mannix should contact the community police about this and also that Mr Russell as neighbourhood watch co-ordinator will similarly make contact with the police.

Mr Forster - asked if signs warning motorists of the possibility of ducks on the road (Carr Lane) were available. The Chairman will make enquiries and report to the next meeting.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Monday 27th February at Escrick & Deighton Club