Parish Council


Annual documents

The new Transparency Code for Parish Councils with an income or expenditure (whichever is greater) below £25,000 is a mandatory requirement for Parish Councils to publish certain information on their Websites. The documents below form part of the requirements.

Escrick Parish Council confirmation of dates 2023-24

Escrick Parish Council Bank Reconciliation 2023-24

Escrick Parish Council Annual Governance Statement 2023-24

External Audit report & certificate 2022-23

Notice of conclusion of Audit 2022-23

External Audit Report & Certificate 2021-22

Notice of completion of audit 2020-21

External Audit Report and Certificate 2021-22

Annual Governance Statement 2021-22

External Auditor Report 2020-21

Annual Governance Statement 2020-21

Notice of conclusion of audit 2019/2020

External auditor report 2019/2020

2019/2020 Notice for delay of public rights update

Bank Reconciliation as at 31/03/2019

Asset Register as at 31/03/2019

Employers Liability Insurance (2019) 

List of current contracts awarded and annual value of contract - January 2020

The comments of the External Auditor will be displayed here when the Accounts are returned from the External Audit.

Previous years:

Documents from previous years

Standing documents

Standing Orders addendum, May 2020

Standing Orders May 2019

Financial Regulations July 2024

Complaints Procedure May 2016

Equal Opportunities Policy May 2016

Volunteer Policy and Procedures June 2020

Health and Safety Policy May 2016

Freedom of Information Policy and Publications

Risk Assessment January 2020

Code of Conduct for Members - November 2012 

Privacy Policy - General - May 2018

Privacy Policy - Staff and Members - May 2018

Admin and Finance Sub-Committee Terms of Reference Document

Planning Working Group Terms of Reference


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We are working towards making all documents that the Council publishes suitable for assistive technologies.
In the meantime you can request an accessible format.