
Notices - Parish Magazine notices from Parish Council

Parish Magazine update - March 2017

published on 10th Feb 2017


This notice was last updated on 10th Feb 2017.

The following update will appear in March's Parish Magazine:

A19 safety: The Community Speed Watch Group is now active, and has undertaken several speed monitoring sessions. Initial results suggest that it is having at least a short-term impact at slowing the speed of passing vehicles. The Parish Council is very grateful to the volunteers involved. The Parish Council is still seeking a meeting with NYCC to request improvements to pedestrian crossing facilities.

Grit bins: These have been installed (and kindly filled by a local volunteer) and are available for residents to use on highways and pavements.

Pollution in the beck: The Parish Council received a complaint about potential pollution in the beck - however by the time the Parish Council was able to attend the reported pollution had gone. Pollution concerns should be reported to the Environment Agency on their 24 hour helpline - 0800 80 70 60. They can make a more timely response, and are responsible for any subsequent investigation. (For reference a list of agencies responsible for services/amenities in Escrick is available on the Parish Council website:

Business park street lighting: In response to requests from workers at the business park, the council has approached the business park to establish if it (or its tenants) would fund additional street lighting by the bus stop, which the Parish Council would subsequently adopt.

Battle's over - a nations tribute to WWI on 11th November 2018: The Parish Council has expressed an interest in taking part in this national beacon lighting event to commemorate the end of WWI.

Parish Council Meeting dates: Monday 6th March, 3rd April, 8th May, 5th June. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome.
Contact: Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:

Parish Magazine Update - February 2017

published on 11th Jan 2017 (updated on 26th Jan 2017)


This notice was last updated on 26th Jan 2017.

The following update will appear in February's Parish Magazine on behalf of the Parish Council:

Parish Councillors: The Parish Council welcomes Mervin Casling, Tudor Rees and Kevin Moran, who were co-opted as Councillors at December's meeting - taking us back up to a full complement of eleven Councillors.

A19 safety: The Parish Council wrote to North Yorkshire Council in November, and received a reply in mid-December. The reply states that the 40mph limit is appropriate, but offers a follow-up meeting to discuss alternative ways to improve safety, which the Parish Council will take-up. Separately, the Community Speed Watch group is now established and has received training and equipment, and should start monitoring speeds on the A19 later in January. More details at:

Survey & Budget 2017/18: We received just over 60 survey responses to the survey, of these, 78% said they would support paying an increased precept in exchange for additional facilities/amenities. Frequent themes raised in comments were street lighting, road safety, bus service provision and tidiness and presentation of the village.

The Parish Council has set its precept for 2017/18 at £19,000 - which includes an increase to add additional street-lighting, maintain Parish Council trees, a provision for general village maintenance or lengthsman, and implement audit recommendations to replenish reserves. More details, including full budget, at:

North Yorkshire Mineral & Waste plan: The Parish Council has provided a comprehensive response to the consultation regarding sites affecting the Escrick Parish:

Grit bins: Highways have approved the proposed locations (outside Almshouses, Main St/Carr Lane junction and Carr Lane/The Glade junction), and hopefully these should be in place later in January.

Parish Council Meeting dates: Monday 6th February, 6th March, 3rd April, 8th May. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome.

Parish Magazine Update - December 2016

published on 9th Nov 2016


This notice was last updated on 9th Nov 2016.

Parish Councillors: The Parish Council welcomes Rebecca Councell, who was co-opted as a Councillor at November’s meeting.

We still have a number of vacancies for Councillors - if you are interested or want to learn more about it please contact us (details below).

A19 safety: At the time of writing, 11 people have expressed an interest in Community Speedwatch, and a meeting is to be arranged. The Parish Council has agreed to send a further letter to NYCC requesting a reduction in the speed limit.

Budget 2017/18: The Parish Council will circulate surveys during November to seek views from residents to inform its budgeting process for 2017/18.

Trees: The Parish Council has received professional opinions regarding trees on public land, following concerns raised by some residents. None of the trees reported were found to be dangerous, but some works have been suggested. Due to the level of cost these will be considered as part of 2017/18 budget process next month.

Parish Council Meeting dates: Monday 5th December, 9th January, 6th February, 6th March. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome.

Parish Magazine Update - November 2016

published on 9th Oct 2016


This notice was last updated on 9th Oct 2016.

Parish Council Vacancies: We have a number of vacancies for Parish Councillors at the moment. The Escrick Parish Council is the first tier of local government, representing residents of Escrick Parish. Parish Councillors are volunteers that help shape the actions of the Council - making decisions on how to spend the Council precept budget within the Parish, representing local interests, and overseeing various local amenities. The role requires a few hours per month of time, including attending the monthly Parish Council meeting. It’s a great way to get involved in a wide range of local issues and shape the local community.

If you are interested or simply want to learn more about it please contact either the Chair (Richard Rowson, or the Clerk (Helen Guest, More details about the role of the Parish Council can be found on our website,

A19 safety: In response to recent concerns of speeding on the A19, we have the opportunity to establish a Community Speedwatch Initiative. This is where volunteers (with the support of the Police) monitor speeds of vehicles using speed detection devices. Vehicles exceeding the speed limit are referred to the Police with the aim of educating drivers to reduce their speeds. We are seeking volunteers, including someone to take a lead role in coordinating this activity locally. If you are interested please contact

Street lights: The Council has ordered modifications to two streetlights affected by trees, so that the lamp is further away from nearby tree branches. The Council has obtained pricing for some additional lighting, details are to be include in a planned consultation which is to be circulated on the Council budget for 2017.

Grit bins: North Yorks County Council has notified the Parish Council that Carr Lane will no longer be gritted. The Parish Council has agreed to procure three grit bins for key locations to partially mitigate the change in NYCC policy.

Village Sign Planters: We have a small flower bed in front of the Escrick village sign on the A19 (outside the garage). These bedding plants have been maintained by a couple of local volunteers, to whom we are very grateful. We are looking for new volunteers for 2017 to take over this role and keep these plants tidy and water them as necessary. If you may be interested please contact

Defibrillator & CPR training: We recently held a successful CPR training event in the village.

Please remember that there is now a public access defibrillator installed on the front wall of the Escrick & Deighton Club - available for anyone to use on someone suffering cardiac arrest. No training is necessary to use the defibrillator which gives audible instructions (

We also have a full CPR training kit and training DVDs. These are available for local groups to borrow - please contact the chair if you are interested:

Parish Council Meeting dates: Monday 7th November, 5th December, 9th January, 6th February, 6th March. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome.

Parish Magazine Update - October 2016

published on 9th Sep 2016


This notice was last updated on 9th Sep 2016.

Parish Council Vacancies:

A number of our Councillors have stood down this summer - we thank them all for their significant contribution over recent years.

As a result we have a number of Parish Councillor vacancies - if you are interested or might be interested and want to learn more about it please contact either the Chair (Richard Rowson, or the Clerk (Helen Guest, More details about the role of the Parish Council and its councillors can be found on our website,

A19 safety consultation:

In August the Council had a site meeting with NYCC Highways to discuss issues associated with crossing/joining the A19 in Escrick.

The Council intend to continue to escalate residents’ concerns regarding the A19 through the village.


The council has submitted an application via our NYCC Councillor for ‘locality funding’ to cover the costs of maintenance of the area around the fountain on A19 / Main St.

A pair of residents have volunteered to look at the feasibility of restoring the fountain to working order as a longer term initiative.

Budget 2017/2018:

The Council has received various suggestions for potential expenditure from residents - such as grit bins, extra lighting, extra grass cutting, or donations to local groups. The Council will consult with residents and consider these as part of its annual budgeting process in November/December.

Street lights:

The replacement programme is now largely complete (three lights remaining at the time of writing).

The Council continues to receive complaints regarding trees obscuring street lighting. A reminder - it is residents’ responsibilities to maintain trees on their land so that they do not obstruct street lighting, signs and pavements.


Concerns have been raised regarding parking on pavements and verges around the village. This causes a variety of problems, including obstructing the pavement, obscuring sight lines at key junctions, damaging the grass verges and in a couple of cases damage has occurred to water pipes beneath the verge. Residents and their visitors are requested to avoid parking on pavements.

War memorial:

The cleaning of the war memorial (located at the Church) has been completed, and the memorial looks much better for it.

Council responsibilities:

We recognise that many people are not clear on the different roles of the Parish Council, Selby District Council and North Yorkshire County Council.

We have put a summary of these on the Parish Council noticeboard on Main St and on our website:

Parish Council Meeting dates for 2016: 3rd October, 7th November, 5th December. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club.

Parish Magazine Update - August 2016

published on 11th Jul 2016


This notice was last updated on 11th Jul 2016.

A19 safety consultation:

Last month the council submitted the Speed Awareness Forms to the North Yorkshire ’95 alive’ partnership, along with a covering letter explaining our concerns with safety on the A19.

We have received a response citing that evidence from March 2016 demonstrates that there is not a speeding problem on the A19 and that the current 40mph limit is appropriate for the road.

The Parish Council intend to seek a further discussion with North Yorkshire highways department to continue to push for safety improvements to the road. A copy of our letter and the reply are on our website:

CPR training - Wednesday 21st September:

If the heart of someone you loved stopped beating would you know what to do?

Every year over 30,000 cardiac arrests happen outside of hospital - often witnessed by family members and friends. Effective CPR performed immediately on someone suffering a cardiac arrest can buy time for professional help to arrive, and in some cases can help double a person's survival chances.

Escrick Parish Council has obtained a British Heart Foundation CPR training kit. The kit delivers several short DVD based training courses, along with manikins to practice upon.

We will be holding a community training session at the Village Hall on Wednesday 21st September at 7.30pm. If you are interested in attending, please email (so we have a rough idea of numbers).

The training kit is also available for other Escrick based groups to borrow and coordinate their own training. The training takes less than an hour and is suitable for anyone over 12. If you would like to discuss arranging your own training for your own group please contact Richard -

War memorial:

The council has arranged to have the war memorial (located at the Church) professionally cleaned, and is coordinating fund raising towards this work. To avoid delay to undertaking the work, the Parish Council has agreed to underwrite the cost of the work (about £1000). Donations from residents or local businesses towards the cost are gratefully received. Please contact or any Parish Councillor if you would like to make a donation (cheques payable to ‘Escrick Parish Council’).

Website: The website contains a wide range of information about the village and Parish Council. You can also sign-up to receive news alerts by email.

Parish Council Meeting dates for 2016: 5th September, 3rd October, 7th November, 5th December. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club.

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